Introduction to the Initial State Read API
The Initial State Read API can be used to read the latest value from any data stream with a simple HTTPS GET. By default, Read API access is disabled but can be easily enabled per data bucket via the bucket settings. The same access key and bucket key used to stream data into a specific data bucket is used to read the latest values.
The full Read API documentation can be found at .
*Note: You cannot use the Read API to read historical data from data buckets.
Enabling Read API Access
By default, read access is disabled for each of your data buckets. To enable read access, go into your bucket settings and click the Allow Read Latest Value API check box. Once enabled, the text field beneath this check box will give you your Read API endpoint URL. This URL will look something like this:
- is the base API endpoint URL.
- accessKey is the same key used for streaming data into your account (more info).
- bucketKey is the unique identifier for a specific data bucket (more info).
Testing the Read API
Testing the Read API is as simple as pasting the provided URL into the address bar of your web browser and hitting return. This will perform an HTTPS GET on the endpoint. By default, the latest value for every data stream in your data bucket will be returned along with the timestamp in epoch. For example, pasting a read URL from an existing data bucket into a web browser returns the following JSON (*note, a JSON formatter was used to make the response more readable):{
"Attic Temperature Monitor":{
"Attic Temperature Monitor IP Address":{
"attic Temperature(F)":{
The name of the data stream, its latest value, and the epoch timestamp are all returned in a nicely packaged JSON object.
If you want to return data from only a specified data stream instead of all data streams, you can use another URL parameter, &key=STREAM_KEY. For example, to only return the latest data value from attic Temperature(F), the URL will look like the following:
The response from pasting this URL into the browser's address bar is as follows:{
"attic Temperature(F)":{
You can add as many &key=STREAM_KEY stream key parameters as you need to return multiple, specific stream keys. For example:
Python ISReader Module
A Python module to make interfacing the Read API as easy as possible when writing Python applications can be found at You can install this module using pip (or pip3 if you are using Python 3):sudo pip install ISReader
or for Python 3sudo pip3 install ISReader
Once installed, you can utilize the ISReader module to read data from a specific data stream in your data bucket. Below is an example script that reads the latest data from a single data stream then formats and prints the results:from ISReader.Reader import Reader
import json
import datetime
# --------- User Settings ---------
# ---------------------------------
# create Reader instance
reader = Reader(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, bucket_key=BUCKET_KEY)
# get latest events for a specific stream key
signal_keys = [STREAM_KEY]
events = reader.get_latest(keys=signal_keys)
# format and print the resulting data and timestamp
print (STREAM_KEY + " = " + events[STREAM_KEY]['value'])
print ("Last updated at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(events[STREAM_KEY]['epoch']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
You need to specify the three keys in the User Settings section. The STREAM_KEY will be the name of the data stream you want to read. The data returned by the reader.get_latest() method will be a JSON object, which makes it easy to index when importing the json module. The last line in this Python script converts the time in epoch to something a bit more human readable. Running this script on real data will produce output similar to the following:$ python
attic Temperature(F) = 66.1
Last updated at 2020-10-02 18:28:51
If you want to return data from multiple data streams, you can specify multiple signal_keys as follows:signal_keys = ["stream_name1", "stream_name2"]
If you want to return the latest data from all data streams, you can use the following method:all_latest_events = reader.get_latest()
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