The Twitch Stream integration in the Integration Marketplace provides information from a Twitch channel. Create a new data bucket or send stock price data to an existing data bucket.
What You Need to Get Started
To get started you will your Twitch username and password. You will enter this information when you click Begin Setup and you will need to authorize Initial State accessing your Twitch data. You will also need the Twitch channel name you want to monitor.
Begin Setup
Go to the Twitch integration page by clicking the details button. Click Authorize to give Initial State access to your Twitch account. Click Begin Setup to open the Setup window. You'll need to fill out the following information:
- Integration Name - Name for managing this integration. If you choose to send data to a new bucket this will also be used as the bucket name.
- User Login - The Twitch channel names you want to monitor.
- Choose a Bucket - The data can be sent to a new data bucket that will be created or an existing data bucket already created. If you choose to create a new bucket, select an existing Initial State Access Key to use. If you want to send data to an existing bucket, use the dropdown to choose the existing bucket.
- Data Frequency -Select the frequency that you want the data to be updated.
Once you make all your selections you can click Start Integration.
If you selected to send the data to an existing bucket, go to that bucket to find your new Tiles created. If you selected to create a new bucket, click the link to go to this new bucket. You can change your Tiles and background as you like.
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