To add a background image to your Tiles dashboard, click on Edit Tiles in the top left of your dashboard and select Change Background from the top menu to bring up the Background Settings menu. You can select from one of the millions of high-resolution images available from Unsplash. Use the search bar to find a photo (e.g. "fish", "pattern", "space", "Nashville"). Click on the desired image preview to apply that image to the background. Click the Done button at the bottom to close the Background Settings Menu.
Advanced Options
Scale photo to fill workspace - Select this option to fill the entire Tiles background with the selected image. When selected, tiles will change position related to the background image at different resolutions / screen sizes. Unselect this option if you want very precise control over where tiles line up in relation to the background. When unselected, the background image will be displayed at its exact resolution.
Tile Transparency - Choose the transparency level of tiles under the Advanced menu in Background Settings. The transparency level is under the Tile Color option. Click the Tile Color box and move the bottom slider to set the transparency level. As the slider moves, the transparency level will update to preview your changes. Tiles can be made completely transparent by sliding the transparency slider all the way to the left.
Tile Color - Tile color (just the individual tile background color) can be selected under the Advanced menu in the Background Settings. The color can be selected via the color picker or by inputting a 32-bit hex color value into the input field at the top.
Background Color - The Tile workspace color can be selected under the Advanced menu in the Background Settings. The color can be selected via the color picker or by inputting a 32-bit hex color value into the input field at the top.
Need Inspiration?
Check out our dashboard templates (here) where you can import any one of our many dashboard designs for a quick start or just browse for inspiration.
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