Initial State IoT Streaming is a flexible platform for data aggregation, visualization, analytics, and sharing. The Keithley Datalogger integration is one of many integrations, data sources, and use-cases for Initial State. By signing up for an account, you will receive a free trial and ultimately a full version of Initial State that includes much more than the Keithley Integration. You may find that there are lots of benefits to the platform that span from work-related use-cases to home tinkering all the way to monitoring your beer fridge.
In order to begin using your newly configured Keithley instrument with Initial State you will need an account. To register for an account go to:
Provide an email and password and Click "Register". You will be taken to your new account page. You start out with a 14-day trial by default. To make sure there is no lapse in your data, go ahead and add a payment method. Don't worry, you can cancel any time. You will not be charged until your trial expires.
- Click the Tab for "Subscriptions and Payments"
- Click "Add" under the "Payments" category.
- Add credit card information.
Initial State has a free tier for students. Simply register with your .edu account, and select the student edition under your subscription (My Account >> Subscriptions & Payments >> Change Subscription >> Student.
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