Initial State supports emojis! Emojis provide an easy and visual way to represent status within an event stream or add color and individuality to your stream. Now your device can communicate with you in a way it never could before.
Using Emojis
Emojis are supported within your stream data, stream name, and data bucket name across all apps.
Simply send/upload an emoji token (e.g. :emoji_token_name:). A list of emoji tokens can be found here:
Emoji Data Point
To send an emoji data point in a stream/signal using the ISStreamer Python Module, simply use an emoji token in the value parameter of a .log statement.
In Tiles, you will see the current value with each instance of an emoji token replaced with the corresponding emoji.
Similarly in Waves:
Emoji Signal Name
To use emojis in the name of a stream/signal, place an emoji token in the name.
Emoji Bucket Name
To use emojis in the name of an entire data bucket, insert an emoji token in the bucket name.
The emoji will appear in the bucket shelf and title of each visualization page.
Emoji & the API
Emojis can be used similarly when taking advantage of the RESTful API or Arduino HTTP call. Just insert in the same places you would bucketName, key, and value.
- The actual emoji graphic drawn will be dependent on your O/S and browser. Tiles is not supplying the emoji graphic but simply supplying the corresponding unicode for the emoji character in your O/S and browser.
- Windows Chrome does not natively support emojis (yet). Add-ons exist that provide emoji support.
Select and drag through timeline in the Tiles embed below to see how emojis look when drawn in Tiles. If you don't see the emojis below, you are running on an O/S or browser that does not support emojis.
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