Real-Time Streaming Events API Documentation
The full Events API documentation can be found at .
If you have any questions about the api, how to use it, or run into any issues, feel free to reach out or you can chat with us in the public-api-docs gitter chat room.
Create a Bucket |
Send Single Event to Bucket |
Sent Multiple Events to Bucket |
Headers | iso8601 Timestamp | No Timestamp |
URL Parameters | Epoch Timestamp | Epoch Timestamp |
URL Parameters | URL Parameters |
API usage example using cURL:
If you don't have cURL installed, you can download it here:
Create a streaming Event Bucket
You can try this cURL command, just replace the X-IS-AccessKey header value with one from your account.
curl --include \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-IS-AccessKey: YOUR_KEY" \ --header "Accept-Version: ~0" \ --data-binary "{ \"bucketKey\": \"curl_example_bucket\", \"bucketName\": \"cURL Example Bucket\" }" \ ''
No Headers
Or you can try this cURL command, just replace the accessKey parameter valuewith one from your account.
curl --request POST ''
Send events to the Bucket
iso8601 Timestamp
You can try this cURL command, just replace the X-IS-AccessKey header value with one from your account. In this example, the timestamp is specified in iso8601.
curl --include \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-IS-AccessKey: YOUR_KEY" \ --header "X-IS-BucketKey: curl_example_bucket" \ --header "Accept-Version: ~0" \ --data-binary "[ { \"iso8601\": \"2015-10-08T07:54+06:00\", \"key\": \"temperature\", \"value\": \"25.4\" } ]" \ ''
Epoch Timestamp
Or you can try this cURL command, just replace the X-IS-AccessKey header valuewith one from your account. In this example, the timestamp is specified in epoch.
curl --include \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-IS-AccessKey: YOUR_KEY" \ --header "X-IS-BucketKey: curl_example_bucket" \ --header "Accept-Version: ~0" \ --data-binary "[ { \"epoch\": 1444309192, \"key\": \"temperature\", \"value\": \"27.8\" } ]" \ ''
No Headers
Or you can try this cURL command, just replace the accessKey parameter value with one from your account.
curl --request POST ''
Send multiple events to the Bucket
No Timestamp
You can try this cURL command, just replace the X-IS-AccessKey header value with one from your account. In this example, no timestamp is specified so the server will provide the timestamp when it is received.
curl --include \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-IS-AccessKey: YOUR_KEY" \ --header "X-IS-BucketKey: curl_example_bucket" \ --header "Accept-Version: ~0" \ --data-binary "[ { \"key\": \"temperature\", \"value\": \"22.2\" }, { \"key\": \"power\", \"value\": \"6\" }, { \"key\": \"status\", \"value\": \":thumbsup:\" }, { \"key\": \"current\", \"value\": \"156\" }, { \"key\": \"door\", \"value\": \"open\" } ]" \ ''
Epoch Timestamp
Or you can try this cURL command, just replace the X-IS-AccessKey header value with one from your account. In this example, the timestamp is specified in epoch.
curl --include \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-IS-AccessKey: YOUR_KEY" \ --header "X-IS-BucketKey: curl_example_bucket" \ --header "Accept-Version: ~0" \ --data-binary "[ { \"epoch\": 1444309192, \"key\": \"temperature\", \"value\": \"22.2\" }, { \"epoch\": 1444310192, \"key\": \"temperature\", \"value\": \"23.2\" }, { \"epoch\": 1444311192, \"key\": \"temperature\", \"value\": \"22.7\" } ]" \ ''
No Headers
Or you can try this cURL command, just replace the accessKey parameter value with one from your account.
curl --request POST '¤t=156&door=open'
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